Maestro to control BB and Aeros simultaneously?

I’ve entered the abyss of My Custom Modes.

Maestro is set up to Custom Mode, basically BB Mode except:
I’ve created a button with a command to mute Track 1 and another for track 2 on the Aeros … (yes, double tapping is way too complicated for my little brain and I end up creating overdubs. This is simpler).
AND it works if Midi out is set to Merge on BB.
Problem is, Next Part and Previous Part stop working. Meaning, they don’t trigger the drum transition and they’re out of beat.
Can I make this work?

I think this comes down to both BB settings and the midi commands you are using :thinking:

  1. Does the transition start at all? Or does it start but never finish? Transition requires multiple midi commands to work correctly :relieved:
  2. If for some reason a pause command would be triggered, do you use mute pause to avoid BB getting out of beat? :sweat_smile:

These are just guesses. If you can describe in more detail then perhaps something else comes to mind :relieved:

Now I read more carefully. So you are saying that you just added stuff to the BB mode, right? :thinking: And didn’t modify the midi commands in the library :sweat_smile: (modifying them modifies it for all user modes)

Maybe worth double checking that the midi commands are what they should be :relieved:

Thanks :pray: and excellent suggestions. But …

BB set to Merge Midi. Aeros in 2 X 2.

Sending from Maestro to BB to Aeros, in BB mode: Path Maestro Command-BB-Aeros. Custom Command mute track 1or 2 Maestro - BB - Aeros mute track 1 or 2, to works. Erase song works.

Next Part doesn’t.

No transition at all when Press to next part. A Very strange change too. Does not start recording next track and is not in sync, not on a marker line :pensive: Pressing to Part change again, takes you out of sync to Part 1. No transition drum.

No I did not change BB except for Midi to Merge. Out of Merge, part changes work, so commands are good. And obviously out of merge mode, the mute track and doesn’t work.

Yes, I did checkcommands were, but obviously they work when the beat buddy is not set to merge mode so they are fine. believe thatmidimerge works by making beat buddy into a midi through?

Are all of them with the latest versions? :thinking:

It does sound like the commands are what they should be. And if you have everything updated to the latest versions then it would be weird if only you experience this kind of issues :no_mouth:

Maybe worth asking in the Aeros channel :thinking: Personally I don’t have Aeros so can’t even test the setup :sweat_smile:

Hopefully you get this sorted out :relieved:

CC 113 Value 127 is this what you have on the Maestro ?

CC 113 Next Part Value 127 first Down Press
" " " " " 0 release

Factory Set Up Button … works when BB is not set to midi merge