Make songs without BBManager?

Is it possible to make songs by adding folders and midi in the Project without the BB manager? I understand the limitations of a small (wonderfully creative and greatly appreciated) company, but the manager is very tedious (choose midi, export midi, delete chosen midi and replace with exported midi)…unless I’m doing extra steps due to my newbie misunderstanding. (Using DAW to create/edit midi). Regardless, easier to…

Create a folder with song midi and put Info in a “song” file to direct it (i.e., intro, main 1, fill 1, fill 2, trans 1, main 2, etc.). Alternatively, import song puts all midi in multiple “main” parts and you drag these to their correct places.

Same with drum sets. It would be nice just to create folders (e.g., Kick: 0-36, 37-55, etc.).

With either songs or kits, the manager could recognize their presence on next opening or, at least, an easy import.

Is this currently possible in some form or another?

Hey there,

The only way to edit the BeatBuddy content is by using the BeatBuddy Manager.

Thanks for the question