Uses NP Big Bose Jazz Trio XRp.
Includes: .sng for OPBk, midi parts, my original midi file, pdf and plain text versions of chords and lyrics.
I have this in Bb, but played in G with capo 3, so the chords are written in G.
I have also included an OPB file. If you want the OPB version substitute that part for the OPBk part. If you want drums only, just use the mdi drums part instead.
For kits, with OPB, try and of GaryA’s “Rock with Bass and …” kits. For drums only, NP Standard Pro is always nice, but feel free to experiment.
Hey Phil,
How would I lower the volume on the piano on this one?
You could open the drum kit in Beat Buddy Manager and lower the volume on all the piano notes, or you can export the .sng part as a midi file, and then, in a DAW, select all of the piano notes, and reduce the velocity.