Making CC commands instead of Program changes

Hello all;
I am struggling with getting my app to make midi changes. I have three synths and the BB where I need to make patch changes for each song. I have been using ForScore to make Program changes on my synths but there is no provision in the app for CC changes. There is the ability to use Hex code which I have no experience with. I s it possible that I can convert the cc commands into Hex code and hope that this will work? Or is there a decent ipad app that will perform cc commands as well as program changes ?

Thanks so much;

This little website may be just what you need.

Easy to figure out. It then gives you the Hex code you need.

Hey there not 100% sure what you’re referring to, there shouldn’t be a prompt to use hex code anywhere esp not for CC commands. Please reach out to and they can help guide you through this problem.

Great, definitely a cool site and very useful, thanks so much for sending the link.

Hi Brennan -
I was using ForScore for my set list and midi programming, However, Forscore has no provision for midi CC, only Program changes. It does, however have the capability to use Hex and I thought that may be a possible approach. I have since downloaded OnSong and that has CC so I hope this works.
Thanks for the quick response.

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Ok, please let us know if you have any issues with OnSong!

Well I have OnSong loaded and operating and I have read the BB pdf explaining the PC and CC messages. I know that onSong is communicating with The BB as I can get it to make one song change. However, I am a little confused with the procedure. The OnSong video about working with the BB used a PC to make changes. I am at a loss as to where the CC comes in using OnSong. It seems that I need to make a CC first and then a PC but its not clear in OnSong. Yikes !

Is there a link in this site that can clarify this ? Thanks so much

Ok, I finally was able to get the BB to make the song changes and all works fine now. I was a little confused on msb and lsb interpretation.

Hey yeah you were confused on the type of messages, BB song selection requires 1 MSB, 1 LSB, and 1 PC message to select a song within a folder.

Please let me know if you have any other questions! Glad you got set up :slight_smile:

Yes , got it all working now. BB is working great with my Aeros so the two are a great combination.
Thanks for the quick reply.


I’m using forscore for CC - use Hex Codes
B9 6A 00
B9 6B 60

B9 = CC on 10
6A = MSB of tempo
6B = LSB of Tempo = 96bpm 60 Hex=96Decimal

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So you were able to make all the changes including program changes using just the Hex code? That is great. Now I just need to check out how Hex codes work.

Thanks for posting

Hex to Decimal chart would help

1 1 33 21 65 41 97 61
2 2 34 22 66 42 98 62
3 3 35 23 67 43 99 63
4 4 36 24 68 44 100 64
5 5 37 25 69 45 101 65
6 6 38 26 70 46 102 66
7 7 39 27 71 47 103 67
8 8 40 28 72 48 104 68
9 9 41 29 73 49 105 69
10 A 42 2A 74 4A 106 6A
11 B 43 2B 75 4B 107 6B
12 C 44 2C 76 4C 108 6C
13 D 45 2D 77 4D 109 6D
14 E 46 2E 78 4E 110 6E
15 F 47 2F 79 4F 111 6F
16 10 48 30 80 50 112 70
17 11 49 31 81 51 113 71
18 12 50 32 82 52 114 72
19 13 51 33 83 53 115 73
20 14 52 34 84 54 116 74
21 15 53 35 85 55 117 75
22 16 54 36 86 56 118 76
23 17 55 37 87 57 119 77
24 18 56 38 88 58 120 78
25 19 57 39 89 59 121 79
26 1A 58 3A 90 5A 122 7A
27 1B 59 3B 91 5B 123 7B
28 1C 60 3C 92 5C 124 7C
29 1D 61 3D 93 5D 125 7D
30 1E 62 3E 94 5E 126 7E
31 1F 63 3F 95 5F 127 7F
32 20 64 40 96 60