Anyone have anything they use for Mama I’m Coming Home? I tried finding some source midis, but I couldn’t find a free one that included the drums.
I’m new to full song midi source files. What are the best places to get them?
Anyone have anything they use for Mama I’m Coming Home? I tried finding some source midis, but I couldn’t find a free one that included the drums.
I’m new to full song midi source files. What are the best places to get them?
If nothing comes up, you can try rock 11 at 70 bpm
@persist - I do have a UG subscription. I haven’t found a way to download their midis though. Is there a trick to that?
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if you don’t have the Guitar Pro 8 app on your computer, download TuxGuitar TuxGuitar download |
launch TuxGuitar and select File > Open (navigate to the file you just downloaded from UG and when it opens, select File > Export > Export MIDI
Sometimes you’ll have to find a tab that comes close to what you’re expecting so I read the UG reviews of the song and go with the best one. I also use BPM and key for Mama I'm coming home | SongBPM | to check if the BPM and key are in the ballpark.
Mama I’m Coming (33.0 KB)
Thanks @persist! That was exactly what I needed.
This file contains 1 .sng file. It is the entire song with a 4 count intro. You should do the little lick staring on the “3 AND”. There is a closed hat on 2 and 4 until the main drum fill that brings in the full song. It is structurally identical to the studio recording except I moved it to E instead of Eb.
Also included are 4 midi files:
I haven’t tried this out on the pedal yet, but I’m played along with it in BBFF and I’m pretty happy with it! Been wanting to add this one for a while, so I’m excited to debut it in an up-coming show!
I used my Vintage Ludwig 0-31 kit, but it should work with most any bass 0-31 kit, Rock and Rick Bass for example.