MASTER level should behave as MIXDOWN level

I think the Master level assigned on the wheel should control the mixdown level (tracks levels+input monitor level). Because sometimes I want to turn up the volume on my headphones/monitor/output, but for that I also have to turn up the input level as well (for soloing i.e), and turning the input level up causes clipping.

Hey there, we disagree because you use the master to change playback in relation to the live sound. This relationship will be improved once we add input control.

The best option is a dedicated headphone amp so you can turn everything up as you monitor.

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Well, having the input level control would definitely solve this

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Would a behringer powerplay 2 belt clip work? Seems a lot of people can’t hear aux out they headphones

This is because the Aeros does not have a dedicated headphone out. You would need a headphone amp to properly monitor the Aeros using headphones. One great trick is using the BeatBuddy if you happen to have one, it is actually a lot like a headphone amp. Connect the Aeros in either mono or stereo directly into the BeatBuddy, and you can monitor with headphones (even while connected to the BeatBuddy via MIDI) with no issue.

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If you do end up getting a headphone amp, I would suggest also getting a TRS Y-splitter quarter inch cable, this can be connected from the stereo end to the Aux Out of the Aeros and connected to the headphone amp which will likely have two inputs for left and right. This is a great way to also monitor the click of the Aeros without the audience hearing the click when playing live.

I use power play 2 and it works I needed to use stereo two cords to get stereo from OP-Z a mono source but I think if I changed settings to mono in settings I could use one input I’ll check tonight - at the store hd25 sennheiser 70 Omh worked with no amp

You will hear a bit, but the volume being output by the Aeros is not sufficient for most headphones and users, it is most useful to use the headphone amp or something like the BeatBuddy to monitor from if you don’t have an amp, mixer, or a PA.

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