Midi Maestro Aeros and BB custom mode

I have moved my Aeros on to a raised stand near my right hand. I want to control the Aeros from my Midi Maestro using my feet. The problem here is that I also like to use the Maestro to select songs and navigate the BB. Can I create a custom mode to do 2x2 looping with the Aeros and keep a few BB commands?


Absolutely, you can control both your Aeros and BeatBuddy from the MIDI Maestro. Ensure your setup is connected as follows: MIDI Maestro Out to BeatBuddy MIDI In, and BeatBuddy MIDI Out to Aeros MIDI In. This way, all messages from the MIDI Maestro will reach both the Aeros and the BeatBuddy.

You can test this by switching between Aeros and BeatBuddy mode using the mode switch on the back of the MIDI Maestro.

Creating a custom mode with commands for both the BeatBuddy and Aeros is definitely possible. If you need assistance with the technical steps, please email us at support@singularsound.com.

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1st I am looking for a command I can send to the Aeros that would be the equivalent of hitting “Play” on the far right button at the end of recording. There is a Midi Maestro Button for “stop” in AEROS mode but it responds differently from hitting “play”.

You can find the list of all MIDI commands here: MIDI commands