MIDI Maestro w/Ultimate Guitar

Will Midi maestro work with ultimate guitar app on apple iPad?

Specifically can it be set up/paired with the MM unit to move pages forwards and backwards, such as chords and lyrics, using a foot pedal button?


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the words page or turn do not exist in their faq file. much less when you try to add midi to the search. i know onsong and one of the many named songbook can. i would like to see people put some energy into https://www.liveprompter.com/ mobile MIDI Control – LivePrompter PC MIDI control – LivePrompter vst controller LivePrompter and Cantabile – LivePrompter . and document its use in this eco system. i use this to convert most ultimate guitar songs https://ultimate.ftes.de/. if you uke Song-a-Matic Editor - Ukulele Music Prettifier by UkeGeeks Scriptasaurus.

We don’t have a phone support, but you can reach us at support@ultimate-guitar.com

The majority of the questions is answered here: https://support.ultimate-guitar.com

I can’t speak for the app itself but if it can read MIDI over BLE and pair with an external BLE device then it should work, yes