I got caught up in this MIDI drum loop editing/creation when the BBs 200 beats didn’t fit my style very well. I’m not good at MIDI and it’s not why I bought the BB in the first place. But I’m not one to give up so I spent hours with the MIDI editor. I observed I’m spending way too much time with this at the expense of practicing my performances. Out of the 250 songs in my Onsong songbook I still haven’t tied more than 30 to a drum beat, because I’m MIDI editing.
Some will enjoy MIDI work and making there own creations.
The BB team did not MIDI edit/create the drum loops, they bought them from a professional drummer that recorded the loops from real drum set, no quantization. WOW, can I afford that kind of quality loops, and stop MIDIing. $20 for 1000 Country loops. $20 for 800 Blues Loops. 3000 Hard Rock Loops $20 (why is rock so cheap?). With fills.
You think the 700 free loops the these guys give away are as good as the ones they charge for?
There are choices. You can expand your Genre in minutes or MIDI on. That’s the good of BB.