Missing Accent Hit Effect to song mapping information - skipping file

I just purchased the Gig-Basics Beats from the advanced library.

I tried to import the project Gig Basics-Songs.pbf file. Almost immediately I get the error message:

Missing Accent Hit Effect to song mapping information - skipping file

I am using Beatmanager V1.3.3 on a Mac under OS X 10.9.5. I installed what I thought was V1.5, but when installed it says version 1.3.3.

I noticed that there is an Accent Hit Sound Sample Library available for download. I downloaded it and it contains several .WAV files - are these necessary to be loaded into BBManager - if so, how?

This software concept for the BeatBuddy is very confusing and not adequately explained (and I am an IT professional).

Many thanks for any help you can offer.


Most song import issues are due to you not having the latest BB manager… a new one just came out, so make sure you get the latest! i think it’s now

I just re-downloaded BBManager last night. It says it is V1.5.? but the ‘About’ screen shows V1.3.3.


Can you confirm that when I download the BBManager (which says it is V1.5.?) that the About dialogue stills says it is Version 1.3.3?

Is it just an oversight that the developer failed to update the About dialogue screen?


  1. Can you post a screenshot please? It definitely shouldn’t be 1.33
  2. Also, which link did you download the software from?