Motorik /Krautrock beat and fills

Has anyone here made their own motorik/krautrock beat ? I’ve made one in bbm, but it wont go quicker than 300 bpm ( i know that sounds fast but it isnt with the beat) is there a way to make it go faster ? also im no good at making fills, just wondering if anyones here’s done it ? heres the beat if you dont know it

≤ 300bpm is the limit.

Using BPM and key for motorik | SongBPM | for Motorik - Neu, it appears to be a BPM of 153, which is easily done in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) Online.

BeatBuddy uses quarter note for the BPM, so shrink everything to half length and effectively you double the BPM :yum:

Ahhh… thanks! Yeah I was spacing my hits out with a break between each hit, squashed it up and it’s fine now, thanks!

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