Need Beach Tunes: Fun Fun Fun and Wipeout

Does anyone have a decent rendition of these – especially Wipeout?

Fun FUn Fun. I posted several Beach Boys in the last month. Sorry, no Wipeout.

Wipeout is in Resources - broken link, but Phil did post his folders full of songs. It should be in there. When you look in Resources, click on the Newest Resources tab. Phil’s folders are a couple pages in.

Wow, thanks!

I see four versions, and you have explained what two of them are. Can you tell me what DOP and OPK are?

I did find the link to Wipeout, both through search and through a manual search as you suggested. Neither link works, so I may have to play it in on my Octapad.

Thanks again!


Drums One Press and One Press Keys (although this might be One Press Bass Keys.

I’ll work up Wipeout for 'ya.

In this case, it is just One Press Keys. I am using OPK as my usual go to for the arrangement without bass, i.e, keys and drums. Then OPBk, would be drums, bass and keys, OPBks, would be OPBk plus strings usually, although I am trying to define these now to avoid confusion. And, of course, on my older posts, I was not being so diligent, so you may have to give a listen to see what is going on.

Fond memories of this one on the jukebox at the Elks Lodge.