I was really excited to see the new backing tracks options in the latest firmware update. Now you can load up back tracks into quantized and auto mode. But I’m having a lot of trouble getting things to sync.
When I set the global tempo to, let’s say, 133 bmp and then upload a wav file that I’ve exported from logic, that has a tempo of 133, it will not upload because it says that the tempos don’t match (although they do), and says to set the tempo to 8, which I doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t know what the 8 refers to.
If I change the setting to auto, it will upload the backing track, but when I upload a second one, it doesn’t line up with the first, and it’s now thrown the tempo to 121 bpm.
What am I doing wrong?
Also, there’s a slider to change the temp when creating a song, which I find very hard to move to the exactly location that I want to get my desired tempo. Is there some alternative way to set the tempo that doesn’t require me moving that slider, the actions of which really frustrate me?
And when does the tempo slider appear? It seems that sometimes it’s there and sometimes it’s not.