Been away for a while, but just recently re-purchased a new BB, and it came with the usual factory data card. My question is, has the factory data, such as beats and instrument velocities etc etc, been updated or modified from the original data card from a few years back?
Reason is I still have my old BB data, and this being a new start was thinking if they have been fixed up, it might be better to start from scratch again.
Yeah I am assuming so, thanks. Got a lot of merging work to do with my old user created songs, but at least I know I am starting from the correct place
Oh, supplementary question please…is there an easier way to re-order folders these days, or is it still “drag n drop”? Got LOTS of folders to re-organise.
Select a folder and hold the shift key while pressing the up or down arrow. Probably wouldn’t hurt to refamiliarize yourself with the menu commands and keyboard shortcuts.