New midi editor of BB Manager should have this tools

Hello. i update to new version of BB Manager which has Midi editor and i analized that what are missing.

i think the midi editor should have this tools;

1- We should play ritms with midi keyboard (extemely important!)
2- Solo channel button ( we need to push it and hear only one channel )
3- non-stop loop when editing.( For now, the ritm stops when i editing and i need to push the “play” button again and again. )
4- MONO - STEREO switch button. ( i’m using MONO on stage and i want to hear the sounds mono when i’m editing too)

İf you support those thinks and add to new update of BB Manager, then people don’t need to use 3hrd party midi editor programs and also they don’t loose their times between 2 or 3 program mostly.


Also, numbered measures in the MIDI editor would be extremely useful. I’ve got a 90-measure song that I’m working on to edit the velocities - it’s easy to get lost!

I think an upgrade/update for midi editor along with beatbuddy manager is long overdue. It’s been more than 2 years!!!