Hi all. Loving the BeatBuddy so far! I have a list of questions below I’d love some help on. I’ve tried to watch all of the tutorials and read the posts on this forum. Apologies in advance if any of these are obvious questions!
When I switch drum beats from say Rock 1 to Metal 1, it just keeps the Rock drum set. Anyway to make this update drum set automatically update to Metal for example?
Is there any way to set a default to have count ins for all standard beats instead of the intro, BUT to not override the intros of certain specific songs I have downloaded? For example, I’d like a four stick count in for the Rock 1 beat but I’d like to keep the intro intact for the Back in Black song I’ve downloaded.
Any suggestions for how to create a separate folder to save all OBP beats?
Common question—I’m not able to hear the bass on OBP songs even though the drum kit in BBM shows bass.
Thanks all!