Newbie: BB Songs versus Default

Just arrived off the boat… and have a super general question. When I play a beat/song (e.g. I downloaded “Peace Love & Understanding”) as opposed to a pattern that comes as a BB default (e.g. “Blues 1”), is it correct to say that with the SPECIFIC DOWNLOADED SONG, the guitarist (& band) needs to stay in synch with the sequence of the drum patterns? IOW, if that downloaded beat/song has a break in the middle, you need to play along, matching exactly the count? Hope that’s clear. :roll_eyes: THANKS

Welcome. The short answer is “yes” you have to continue playing or staying in sync with one-press songs.

Make sure you have the drum set that the song was made with downloaded, imported and activated in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM).

If you have downloaded a One Press Song (OPS) then yes, you need to follow along with the track from beginning to end.
The benefit of the tracks that come with the BeatBuddy is that they are more flexible. You can let a part loop and trigger fills and transitions when you need them.

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Thanks for answering and for the tip on checking the drum set.

Thank you @andrew13 for explaining the OPS concept!

A related follow up question if I may… Since I much prefer the flexibility of the default tracks that come with Beat Buddy over One Press Songs, should I still consider purchasing the BB Premium Library which appears to emphasize songs (2,266 songs and 22 Genres) or would there be a better place to expand my collection? Many thanks!

Anything Singular Sound has published is flexible. All the One Press Songs are created by other users :relieved:

In other words the Premium Library is flexible :yum:

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The premium library has around 150+ song titles (probably closer to 200) and many beats spread across several genres. You would also have the option of adding the Groove Monkee content which expands the content and aforementioned flexibility even further. You can’t go wrong with the purchase. However, browse the Song Matching Tool to see how other users suggest using the default content to build songs. If that doesn’t scratch the itch for building your song list, there are spread sheets on the forum from users listing the settings they use to build up their gig lists. Check out Wayne_McNeil’s list of around 800 songs.

@aapo @persist Thanks so much for the helpful information!

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