I did not find back who made the first version… anyway thanks to him, I changed it as follows:
before there was always a mix of hi hat and ride at hi volume, I did lower them and made two different sections, verse with hh and refrain with ride, also changed the intro to be 1bar drums, outro unthouched…
Hi Marcello, I am new to the community and a new user of the beatbuddy. Thanks for you work on that song. I have imported it on my device but I don’t hear the bass, is there anything special to do when importing ?
The song calls for the Rock with Bass kit. You will have to search the forum for “Missing” Drum kits, download and then import it to the BBMO. After importing the kit, you may have to select the kit.
BTW, pretty sure that it was posted by Phil (not Phil_Flood). Phil’s version can be found in his M_P.pbf. Search the forum for FOLDERS. His version used the NP Ludwig Bass (probably no longer available from this forum) kit.
I believe that Phil_Flood also worked up a version as well.
Thanks again persist. I found the missing drumset and it works fine. I understand from the title choosen by Marcello that this is in the key of C.
I am playing it in D (cap second fret) so I wonder it it is possible to change it with BB Manager ?
Probably better to try and transpose it using the BBMO. Why? Once you try to edit a MIDI within the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM), it corrupts the file. The BBMO allows you to select the entire row of bass notes whereas in the BBMO you have to do one note at a time.
Even better than the BBMO would be to edit it using a digital audio workstation (DAW) such as Reaper