NP Metal Bass & String Chimey XRL

One of my early Synth with Bass kits, reposted to this Forum.

See kit list for details. Here are the original post notes:

Sometimes, you just gotta do art for art’s sake. I got a new soft synth and wanted to create some new sounds. At this point, I don’t know what song this kit would fit. I’ve tried Devo’s Satisfaction, and it’s interesting. Tom Sawyer didn’t sound bad. But what I wanted to do was make one of these kit at the proper normalization level to have no clipping. 70% seems to be ideal. Bass notes had to be short or they use up too much space. If you have a need for more than two beats held bass, string a couple notes together close.

Otherwise this is a normal Phil Flood kit. Drums left, Bass and keys right.

Bass C-1 to G3, midi 0 through 31.

No Claves at 34, instead what sounds like a side drum hit. Makes a good count in instrument.
GM drums from 35 to 70. Long guiro at 71.

Synth starts at 72, goes through 127, it is C2 through G6.