Hi all
I’m new to the BB and i am looking for v2 NP Standard Pro Bass that a lot of the songs on the resources site require. I believe I need to purchase the Standard pro Drum kit first from the Premium site first. Is that correct?
Same question here (newbie). I see songs like Black Magic Woman v1 require the Standard Pro kit. Is that a paid or free user resource one?
When it says “Pro” in the requirements section of the song file does that imply the paid kits?
Hi Phil, I have just started out with BeatBuddy and have been following the forums and tips etc which has been very helpful in getting set up. I have now purchased the Standard Pro kit from Premium Library and would like to get access to the NP Standard Pro Bass kit used in a lot of user songs.
And another conversation started. So, hey, everybody, it you want the kit contact me via conversation. I’d prefer to not have to write multiple responses to each request.
I’ve bought my beatbuddy from another user, so it wasn’t new, but its sd card had these drumkits…so…i haven’t bought them, but i got 'em…