If anyone can help with this I’d even pay a fee to have that file. It needs bass to do with my duo. I’ve got it sounding so good but missing that distinctive bass. Key of Dm. Hopefully waiting !
Is it just a case of matching
with the right drum kit?
The top one is mine. I have the perfect kit for it but I’m having issues uploading it. I have all of my kits and songs balanced so there isn’t any glaringly loud parts to throw it off balance. I’ll keep trying.
You might have to upload the kit to something like Dropbox and share the link to it here, if it’s a size issue.
The second one is take it easy.Can’t seem to get drums on this one ?
Keep me posted Id love to get this to work
How can yopu select a piano and a drum kit only one os an option ? Which piano kit ?
For which song? I’m a bit lost on what you have or haven’t got working.
Ooops. I thought Phil was posting an alternative file for One of These Nights
So I loaded the One_of_these_nites.sng into BBM and I saw that the kit it needs is the NP Jazz Trio Brushes (the *
means I don’t have the kit installed)
Searching the forum Search results for 'NP Jazz Trio Brushes' - Singular Sound Forum got me a post with the NP Jazz Trio Brushes 2 XRp kit.
And after downloading it and importing it I set it as the default kit by selecting it in the list for the song
This one seems to work (i hear bass and piano in BBM), but then again I don’t know the song or use bass / piano kits.
I should also say that it might be pure luck that this kit works with this song - I couldn’t see anywhere that tells you what midi range (drum kit notes) the piano or bass is in. If they don’t match then we might have to try another kit.
The info for the KIT is included in the pdf that is part of the download.
Thanks Phil. I actually meant what notes the piano etc was in the song.
One of these night. There no bass. ? Looks like below you say it needs a jazz kit. I could try that ?
I’m not sure what you’re asking me
I got it working. Thanks a ton !