When I try to export a part or fill as midi file the online manager freezes. Any ideas?
Are these parts from the Default Content 2.1 beats, if so, please provide the name of the part and the browser you are using. I will try to test them. If they are part of the default Content 2.1, you should also be able to find the MIDI files Intro not operating correctly - #4 by persist
Yes, default content and premium library, I tried to randomly export like 30 parts just for texting and only one was successful, I tried changing the internet source and restarting the pc and nothing changed
I’m using chrome, what’s the best suitable browser?
I use Vivaldi for my work.
I just tried vivaldi web browser, same problem, it freezes.
Please provide me the name of the song and parts that you are trying to export to MIDI so that I can test.
I tried exporting more than 40 random parts from many random songs. One example is the fills from shuffle 5 from the swung and shuffle folder of the premium library
Thank you. I just tested using Shuffle 5 with Chrome and then Vivaldi. Regrettably, both browsers froze when trying to export fills 12, 13 and 14. Strong indicator that this is a bug with the BBMO.
I will start a new thread with a bug report and link to your thread and another user’s as well.
In the meantime, you can see if you have any better success using the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) which is legacy software.
I’ve reported this as an issue however, it seems that the problem is intermittent. If I open the BBMO normally for another session and then quit the browser normally, I am unable to cause the browser to freeze when trying to export any fill from Shuffle 5. Go figure.