OnSong and BBMO - Impact on Adding a Song?

I FINALLY figured out how to program MIDI in OnSong to change the song on my BB! Thank you BBMO for incorporating features that make that easier to do.

Here’s potential issue I hope can be resolved…
If I add a new song at the number 6. spot, does that now throw off the MIDI commands for the entire rest of my songs from 7. and beyond because now the song # order is off?

To that end does that mean I have to update every MIDI command in OnSong from song 7. and beyond so they all work correctly again?

This is happening because I drop in new songs in alphabetical order. Is the solution to just keep adding new songs on to the end and leave them there and ignore the convenience of finding songs easier on BB because they are alphabetized?

Yes it does.

Most likely yes, unless if OnSong has something that doesn’t rely directly on the indexing :thinking: I’m no OnSong user :sweat_smile:

Once you have all your songs in OnSong you can use their alphabetical order to find them easily :wink: So yes I recommend adding to the end :yum: