It would be really nice if there could be an option for cueing a fill that continues into the next measure after playing rather than resetting the playhead to the beginning of a given part. For example, say I want to play a fill in the middle of bar 7/10 in a part; after it’s finished, the beat then continues to play into bar 8, rather than bar 1, effectively substituting the 7th bar with a fill insert. For longer part-arrangements, this option is important for keeping things on track when using fills for expression. Please consider adding this improvement in the next firmware update, thanks!
Thank you for your feedback! I’ve forwarded your suggestion to the team for consideration.
We are not able to make the change you’ve suggested regarding the BeatBuddy’s fill functionality. The way the BeatBuddy restarts the main beat after a fill is a core part of how the product was designed to work.
Thank you for your understanding!
Could you add the fill into the midi file itself?
To me it sounds like the beat you have has lots of recognizable patterns, accents etc. In that case it might not be a bad option to “hard code” the fill into the midi file
I know that this quickly approaches the one press song format Which on one side is good, but from the other not
That’s a good thought. It does work out that way sometimes. The tradeoff with hard-coding is that I can’t really use fills for expression when I’m feeling out a song as I play with longer part-arrangements. In any case, looks like it can’t be changed in this iteration of BeatBuddy. Maybe for a newer model in the future!