Does anyone of you know if you can remove this annoying noise that is heard on the speakers when a song is loaded on the BeatBuddy?
Hi, Juanjo. I do not have this issue. There are much more experienced experts here; however, you might want to give some more detail to these BB users. What are you running the BB pedal through (PA, guitar amp, etc)? Are you connecting in stereo or mono? What kind of cables are you using to connect the BB to the PA/amp? This might get you a quicker answer and it might be the issue is not with the BB pedal but a cable or something else. Good luck!
Indeed I have been negligent in the details. I have my BB connected to a stereo mixer. The BB is independent of the pedalboard. The cables are TRS that go to the table are mono, or maybe they should be stereo?
The outputs of the BB are not ‘balanced’ (I don’t believe), thus TS type cables are appropriate. Not sure if using TRS cables would be a possible cause for any noise from the BB, but if your mixer has ‘balanced’ 1/4" inputs that you are using, it’s possible the ‘ring’ connection of the TRS plug in the BB has no connection which the mixer may not like as the ‘ring’ is used as one side of the signal connection into the mixer.
Would it be possible to post a short mp3 snippet of the noise you’re hearing?
I am trying to upload an mp3 file in the forum, but it tells me that the mp3 format is not accepted.
8 ene. 23.30.zip (616.5 KB)
Check the cable(s) routing to the amp, sometimes the cables are too close to any electromagnetic fields, that give these weard noises. Just a guess
Ok, thanks.
+1. I’ve noticed this noise as well. I think it happens no matter the type of output (bb to amp, bb to mixer to …, or bb headphone out).
Thank you for your comment.
I mean that in the BB configuration, do I have to make a change in Output?
Hi-- we’re using a TS [high-quality instrument] cable from the BB to our Yamaha MGP mixer, output to a Bose Model II speaker system. We get a hissing noise when the gain is set too high. We back it down, and use the pre-fader listen function to be sure we’re around 0-10 (green-to-yellow, not anywhere near the ‘red zone’). Then we turn off the PFL, and send signal out. We adjust volume with that channel’s slider. This works for us…
Thank you for your response, I think it will help me a lot.
i was getting noise through my system due to the beat buddy until I connected in an isolated dc power source; I do use the beat buddy with other pedals: 1. a voice harmonizer and 2. a looper. The beat buddy was the source of the noise for sure but once I put all the three pedals on an isolated power source, literally all noise is gone. Summary: You need an isolated power source when using pedals, or at least more than one, maybe only one.
Thanks, however all my pedals are connected to a Strymon Zuma power supply that is isolated, and the BB is also connected there.
How old is your BB? My first one did this although it wasn’t too bad. Probably bought in 2016.
My next 2 were dead silent.
My BB is from 2017.
At the moment it works well, except for this noise.
Do you usually change BB every year?
When I connected my BeatBuddy to my other pedals in my Boss BCB-60 pedalboard I could hear annoying digital artifacts in the PA output.The BeatBuddy was the last item in the chain and the Boss pedalboard has its own power-supply. I have a background as an audio technician so I went about troubleshooting every component in the chain. They consisted of last, BeatBuddy, Next Boss RC30 looper, Boss RV6 Reverb and Boss OC3 Octave pedal. The source of noise was not in the audio signal path but induced through the BeatBuddy Power Supply. Once I powered the BeatBuddy from an isolated Power supply the problem dissapeared. It kinda defeats the purpose of having minimal external connections to my pedal Board so I logged a support call with Singular Sound. The dude who answered admitted to the problem and agreed the fix was to isolate the power supply and wished me luck. There was no intent to fix the problem. My experience in electronics indicates poor engineering noise suppression practices. You don’t get this from seasoned pedal developers. All my Boss pedals are very quiet. The response from Singular sound was amateur and dissapointing. Isolate the power supply unless Singular sound commits to fixing next versions of the pedal or produces a do-it-yourself fix. I considered pulling the pedal apart once the warranty runs out to see if judicious use of noise suppression techniques could fix the problem but help from Singular Sound engineering would be great.
I know it’s an old msg. but topic is current…def isolated power helps, and transformer based, instead of switching (as long as regulated) is probably better. also you may try cutting ground somewhere in chain. there are redundant loops in most sig/pwr chains, and cutting the ground somewhere can/may help. they ground thru 1/4’’ connects, and thru pwr jacks…
my new question is (and I’m not sure if this is proper place to ask) does anyone know cutoff for power to Beat Buddy? That is to say, can it be safely run at 10volts, 12volts? I haven’t seen schematic, but looking on different search engines…
Pretty sure there’s a warning on the bottom of the pedal that running it at a voltage greater than 9v will damage the pedal.
thanks for your reply! It just says 9 volts center -neg 500 milliamps. 9 volt Energizer come in at 9.6 to 9.8, which is almost 10V… I’m still searching for a schematic maybe I can get help here, but I figure most of these pedals in this realm run with a voltage regulator right in the front, so I was wondering if there is any wiggle room and what it would be. In the house practicing I’m okay because I use the multimeter to double-check my voltages and polarity, and keep it right in the 8.9 to 9.6 volt range, but outside in a busking setup with batteries, running series and parallel and a gerbil in a cage running at full speed, and clubs with whatever power they steal from the next door neighbors…