Pause/unpause/no intro stop without footswitch?

Hey everyone - just got my BeatBuddy so I’m a total noob and have a bunch of questions

To start, is it possible in any way to pause/unpause/stop the song (without an outro) WITHOUT a BeatBuddy Footswitch? The pause/unpause/stop feature seems absolutely essential if I’m going to actually make a song with this thing. So I guess if stop/pause is only available thru the footswitch, do you BeatBuddy vets consider the Footswitch to pretty much be required?

Thanks all!

As far as I know and have experienced, without the footswitch, the only way to pause the Beat Buddy would be via MIDI control. I have one of the original foot switches, and made a momentary contact foot. I was able to get 2 DPDT momentary switches and just opened my original Beat Buddy Switch and wired it the way it is wired in the original switch. This link ( shows how it can be wired. Works fine for me.

I bought a small Hammond box and put two heavy momentary switches and a stereo jack in it. I made my TRS cable and it does the job. did I save any money doing it myself? Nope! Plus I used straight plugs on the cable which take up more pedal board space. Now I need to order a cable with right angle plugs and though I haven’t done the math, I believe I am in the negative monetarily.