Percussion + Upright Bass

This is the stock Percussion kit with the upright bass added. No other changes.

The Percussion kit does not have an instrument at 39 (handclaps in Standard) or 40 (brush sweep in Brushes). Otherwise, it should work out-of-the box with most songs with bass and give a mellow feel.

Bass is C0-G2 at 0-31.

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This file is not recognized by BB Manager. I don’t know how to get it to work with BB.

The file inside the zip file is a 7zip file (7z). If you are on Windows PC, you will need to download and install the 7zip app ( so you can open it and unzip the DRM file.


That worked. I appreciate it @fled .

Oops! Thanks for pointing that out, I’ve uploaded the non-7z file now.

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the link to dowload the zip is not working for me

Dropbox has been having technical issues since yesterday. Give it another shot in a few hours or maybe tomorrow.