Trying to use GP5 to create my own Midi files… It works fine, but: Im missing some sounds (like f.e. the 54 Tambourine, but many others too). Now I
m searching for a possibility to get those sounds as waf files. Is there anybody, who knows how to?
(sorry for my bad english, I`m from germany… :oops: )
I understand what you are saying very well. While you can definitely add some notes to BeatBuddy drum sets, there are a number of problems. First, I am not sure if it is possible to rip a WAV file from GP5. You can definitely download some software to grab your computer output, play a MIDI note in GP5, then save it into a file, edit it, then proceed to use it with the BBManager… This is far too much work, and the end result will (most likely) be mediocre at best - this will require practice. BeatBuddy drum set are crafted pretty carefully.
TLDR: You are best NOT to use any drum sound that is not covered by BeatBuddy drum sets. To find what notes are covered - this is the screenshot.
There’s a trick to grab the WAV files from other Beat Buddy drum kits so you can mix and match, like if you wanted to add maracas or tambourine to the standard kit. When you open a drum kit in the manager software, it dumps the WAV files into a temporary directory, where you can grab them for importing into other kits. You can use Windows Explorer to search for the files under [your user account] \ AppData \ Local \ Temp
Daefecator: Thank you for your answer, Im always delighted about your fine grasp. You
re doing a great job here all the time… I see this way would`nt work for me. Do you think there will come an update that adds some Instruments to existing kits (or adding an "advanced kit for Songwriters :lol: ")?
CharlesSpencer: thank you too… Tried to get the Tambourine from Psalm 40 (from Beats, Time is on my side)… He is explaining how to do, step by step, but dont work...I think I
m doing something wrong… Have to continue with experimenting… :?
To be honest, I know nothing about current short term plans to enlarge instrument coverage in existing drumsets. This is caused by a drum set maximum size of 100Mb. But I know a much better strategy for the firmware to work around this limitation, and would like to try it some time later. No announces, though, and definitely no ETA for those, sorry
By the way, thanks for warm words, I was really pleased to read that!
Wow that is pretty cool, I did not know that. Might have to try adding them to a sampler VST to be triggered by a DAW. One of the problems is that you can’t program the BeatBuddy and know how it really will sound, this might be a solution.
=Daefecator But I know a much better strategy for the firmware to work around this limitation, and would like to try it some time later. No announces, though, and definitely no ETA for those, sorry
Okay, but Im very nosey... I see, I have to wait, but I hope you
ll remember me, when you figured something out…?
Now it’s clear why I couldn’t find them. Earlier software versions unpacked them to the “user_lib” folder inside of the workspace. I have no idea why this behavior has suddenly changed.