I have a song here that starts out in 12/8 and then changes to 4/4 (and later back again).
After creating the 12/8 and 4/4 beats I used some of the default blues fills as intro and transition fills. However, the transition fill always gets screwed up somehow in the BB Manager. It sounds like its second half is played and then the whole fill from the top, screwing up the timing. I tried a lot of things – to no avail.
I attached my current version for someone to have a look at. In the first segment, after 7 bars of 12/8, there are two 4/4 bars with just the bass drum playing 4ths. Ideally the transition fill would be in the second one of those two bars.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The MIDI files were created using the Mac version of Aria Maestosa.
Re: Problem with a song going from 12/8 to 4/4 time signatur
Hi Flatfoot,
I hope this answers your question as something similar was posted to the bug section, the replies from the BBteam are on the 2nd page. viewtopic.php?f=18&t=937
Below is David Packouz’ quote from that post which also has more info from Beatbuddy Support.
Personally I am currently having to pause and unpause when I get to those sections. Its not an ideal workaround, but is all I can do at the moment to keep my options open when playing a song.
Re: Problem with a song going from 12/8 to 4/4 time signatur
First of all I will say that I haven’t tried this, and so I may not know what I’m talking about, but, how about making your two mesures of 4/4 quarter notes in to another song part, transition or something?
Or, and this may be further from what I know, but would it be possible to view or interpret the time signature of your 4/4 section in 12/8 so there’s no confusing the BB?
Re: Problem with a song going from 12/8 to 4/4 time signatur
That’s what I tried first: The 12/8 part, then a 4/4 transition, then the 4/4 part.
I’m pretty sure a few of the BB presets switch between time signatures. So it should be possible.
Reinterpreting the 4/4 part as 12/8 goes entirely against the grain with me from a musical point of view.
Re: Problem with a song going from 12/8 to 4/4 time signatur
Thanks for your input. I’ll look into that thread tomorrow. However, I first did what David suggests in your quote and it didn’t work.
On another note, there are a few songs I need my BeatBuddy for that are 4/4 but have single 2/4 bars here and there, so it would be cool if that weren’t a problem anymore in the near future. One of those songs, however, I already got to work by moving the 2/4 bar to the end of a part.
Re: Problem with a song going from 12/8 to 4/4 time signatur
To get only excellent results from your BeatBuddy please make sure the measure of all your fills and transitions are the same as their corresponding main part. This is indeed a very paranoidal solution, yet it does work flawlessly. But you are free to experiment as well!