Program to allow Printing of Songs

The video is private.

The reason I was requesting to use the previous version was the csv format results converted to a spreadsheet template I had created.

Joe Southern responded to my original spread sheet I had posted on your forum several years ago. In his version 2 the text file, the limiters were easier to import to the spread sheet. I used a spreadsheet to calculate the sng order position with MSB and LSB in Decimal and Hex form.

When you have updated your video to public I will review to re-evaluate my usage.

Thank you.for you assistance

Don’t click on the Youtube video link.

To expand the window with that particular post, click on BeatBuddy MIDI Control Program and you’ll see the Dropbox link.

I have version 5

The output format of csv or text don’t import to spreadsheet as the version 2 did.

I must be missing something in your comments. I asked if the earlier versions were available. your comment appeared to comment they are.

I would appreciate access to the earlier versions

Thank you

Sorry. All I read was what you initially posted and I regrettably assumed you wanted the latest version. Both v1 and v5 are still available however, just like you, I am unable to access any previous versions.

Perhaps another user has v2. If not, you can try sending a PM to Joe_Southern and see if he responds.

Sorry for the hassle.

No problem. I’ll PM Joe_Southern

Is this still available? If so could I get a link to it at been try to figure out a way to print songs and folders etc.

Hey there Greg and others. (How could you get a gmail with just Greg at? Wow that has to be from the beginning of time (: )

The reason I stopped distributing my software was because of all of the changes going on with the Beat Buddy software. They made it open source some years back – I’m not sure on current status as it’s been years since I’ve looked at it. For me, it was a difficult platform (framework) to try to integrate my programs into it and It appeared to me it was going to be effectively abandoned. The last time I looked, there really wasn’t activity on the open source project. I kind of suspected it may be a start over type thing. I certainly could be wrong.

The software I wrote was based on whatever the BB Manager version was when I released it. It anticipates certain formats of the data based on the version in effect at that time. Unpredictable results could occur if the underlying formats changed as in updates to Beat Buddy manager. Therein lies my concern. I saw a lot of instability and/or changes coming to the BB Manager software.

I did these programs as a free thing to help other users and honestly myself as I use it. I have/had no idea how my program would react to changes to the BB Manager. The updates or variations of the releases could cause my program to not operate properly as I said. Personally, I didn’t want people irritated with me because my program now didn’t work, acted funny, resulted in BB data loss, made them play in the wrong key, made their girlfriend run away with the keyboard player (: etc. And I really didn’t/don’t have time to test it with all those various versions. So, I pulled the programs.

As users may recall and as I recall I had 3 different programs along with operational videos. And it was only windows based. So, limited interest too.

I still use BB. I haven’t updated my bb manager for years. It’s been working for me for my present needs. Of course it does have limitations which is why I did my programs in the first place. I still use my programs in conjunction with the old BB Manager.

I debated about putting my programs on github and then other users could do whatever – make changes, etc. But again, I’m not interested in a lot of work (: and I’m not sure what it would take to do that nor the interest. Being Windows only is limiting in the music world for a lot of people --I know that. However windows a great environment me and for programming. I’ve programmed for the mac before but the licensing etc from apple isn’t currently what I’m doing nor was the program designed for apple (you can’t just wave a wand). As I said I program in Windows because I can do a tremendous amount relatively easily. And that’s why a lot of cross platform programs like the BB Manager can be more difficult – for me anyway.

So, I know several people have asked and messaged me about one or all of my programs. So, there is kind of the story on it.