Protection against accidental footswitch use 'Next Part'

Hey everybody,

quick food for thought for anybody interested:
I put an ‘accidental footswitch blocker’ in my AEROS, because I use ‘PLAY/STOP’ all the time and very rarely the ‘NEXT PART’ button. To avoid accidental part switching I mounted some leftover pedal-feet with some 3M Dual Lock. See pictures attached:

Maybe on a future version there could be a metal bar or something similar to minimize the risk of touching the wrong button in a hectic live environment.

happy looping!!


I was wondering if there’s a way to re-assign that footswitch? Would be interesting to see as a feature so that you can assign it to something else or even un-assign it.

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That’s a great way to customize your pedal for YOUR needs. Thanks for sharing you mod.