Quad recording mode. Record Two Main and Aux input on separate tracks and playback on separate outputs. (Multitrack/multi routing)

Record the Main input on odd track numbers and Aux input on even track numbers.
Allow routing of odd track to Main output an even tracks to Aux Out.

Alternately just support quadrophonic mode like stereo/mono … and perhaps cut 6x6 to 3x3.

Beyond the obvious use case (quadrophic loops), this is useful for having wet/dry loops (where the dry can reamped later) or support different output devices via with specific needs for cabsim, reverb, custom eq).


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Additionally and related: the ability to treat the stereo input as two mono inputs on a per song basis would be really useful. I use one channel for guitar and one for vocals. It would be nice to be able to establish a guitar loop while singing a verse so that when I play back the loop on the solo, there are no vocals.


I have exactly the same need as you. In addition to it i run my voice through a voice processor for harmony. The voice processor need a guitar feed in order to correctly add the harmony. Would be great if it would be possible to assign the track record button to the left or right input. That would make it possible to use a single looper to perform as a one man band.

I’m considering selling my aeros because it’s missing this feature. I play bass and guitar, I would love to be able to choose into which output my recorded track is going to, so i can can send each loop to a different amp. Any answers on this?

Hey there,

this feature is not planned currently, if you only have two mono sources all you have to do is set the Aeros to record in stereo in the Song Settings and playback in stereo in the Device Settings and you will have a full split of L and R.

If you do this you could send L to one amp and R to another

Thanks for the question

Hi Brennan, lovely suggestion, that might do the trick for now.

Thank you so much for the quick reply.


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I want to come here to say in one place officially that this cannot be done.

To explain, the Aeros does have multi routing options for the 4 inputs for live playback, but the loop playback stream itself is stereo, so all 4 inputs will be merged into a stereo stream once recorded.

The Aeros has this as a limitation and it cannot be upgraded to do this with a firmware update, it was not built to record four discrete mono tracks for every recording (the 4 inputs). The point of the multi routing was to allow for split loop playback to do live monitoring, for recording purposes, for routing the click, and for the ability to split the input and double it.

I will tag this as considered for this reason, thanks for the request!