Question re: change beat styles on the BeatBuddy using the Midi Maestro?

How does one change beat styles on the BeatBuddy using the Midi Maestro?

Here are the steps:

  1. Currently selected on the BeatBuddy is the Funk 1 beat. It is stopped.

  2. Using the Midi Maestro in BeatBuddy mode, I select the Enter/Exit Folder (upper right button) to Exit the Funk folder.

  3. I scroll down (bottom middle button) to the Hip Hop Folder, then enter it using the Enter/Exit Folder (upper right button)

  4. I now see the Hip-Hop 1 beat in the BeatBuddy display. What button do I use to get it to play the new beat? Right now when I hit the BeatBuddy Start button (upper left), it still plays the previous Funk 1 beat?


Hey there, you must tap the BeatBuddy main pedal to open the song

Is it possible to change beat styles using the Footswitch+?

Hey there,

When you say beat styles, do you mean the change the song within the same folder, or switch to another folder?

I mean switch from the funk style folder to the the blues style folder.

Hey there, sorry for the delayed response!

This would require a Song Select Command, but would require a Song selection to work. Song Select commands for the folder and songs are decided by their position in the BeatBuddy file structure.

If the specific song doesn’t matter just open the first in the folder

Read more about using song selection in the manual, here’s an excerpt:

Folder/Song Select

  • You can select a BeatBuddy folder and song with the MIDI Bank Select (combination of CC:0 [MSB] and CC:32 [LSB] and Program Change (PC) messages Depending on your settings for the Song Select, the BeatBuddy is expecting different things. Go to Main Pedal > MIDI Settings > MIDI In > Program Change to choose the behavior.


  • The folder is selected with the Bank Select Message (Bank MSB and LSB) and the song is selected with the Program change. MSB selects the Bank, LSB the folder withing the bank. Every MSB bank has 128 folder each.
  • PC command selects the song within the current open folder
  • This gives a potential of 128 MSB x 128 LSB = 16,384 different folders with 128 songs each (selected by the Program Change [PC] command).
  • The order of the folders / songs are sorted by the BeatBuddy Manager. The order of the folders / songs corresponds to the number used by the MIDI messages +1.
    • This means that Program Change (PC) Message must have a value of 0 to select the first song in the menu.
    • We know this is confusing – but MIDI was designed by computer nerds, not normal people like us, and computer nerds like to start with 0 instead of 1.

Aeros Mode

  • The folder is selected using only LSB 0-110, these correspond to the first 111 BeatBuddy folders. LSB 111-127 open playlists 1-17.
  • The order of the folders / songs are sorted by the BeatBuddy Manager. The order of the folders / songs corresponds to the number used by the MIDI messages +1. The Playlist song select starts on LSB 111 which corresponds with Playlist 1.
    • This means that Program Change (PC) Message must have a value of 0 to select the first song in the menu.
    • We know this is confusing – but MIDI was designed by computer nerds, not normal people like us, and computer nerds like to start with 0 instead of 1.

Default Example:

Folder/Song Bank MSB (CC:0) Bank LSB (CC:32) Program Change (PC)
Folder 1 - Song 1 Value 0 Value 0 Value 0
Folder 1- Song 2 Value 0 Value 0 Value 1
Folder 3- Song 3 Value 0 Value 2 Value 2
Folder 129 - Song 4 Value 1 Value 1 Value 3

Aeros Mode Example:

Folder/Song Bank MSB (CC:0) Bank LSB (CC:32) Program Change (PC)
Folder 1 - Song 1 N/A Value 0 Value 0
Folder 1- Song 2 N/A Value 0 Value 1
Folder 3- Song 3 N/A Value 2 Value 2
Playlist 1 - Song 1 N/A Value 111 Value 0
Playlist 2 - Song 1 N/A Value 112 Value 0
Playlist 2 - Song 4 N/A Value 112 Value 3

Please note that the BeatBuddy’s song does not change until the Program Change message is received, i.e. bank messages alone are not enough to change a song.

Let me know if this helps!

I’m so confused. I want to change genres using Maestro> make the accent hits page which I never use, my genre page but keep all other pages functions. Please?

Hey there,

Song Select is very hard to make sense of sometimes, it may be best to reach out to if you need more 1 on 1 assistance on getting this done.

My suggestions would be to:

  1. Create a custom mode based on the BeatBuddy default mode template using the MIDI Maestro App
  2. Edit the page with Accent hits to have song select commands you want to send instead

If you need assistance in doing this please reach out to support.

Thanks for the question!

No, I want to use the maestro to control the Beat Buddy and change the Beat Buddy from say Rock to Reggae.

No. I want to use the Maestro to select the different Genres. I don’t want to tap dance enter folder> scroll > Enter > press beat buddy. I want to have my accent page which I dont use have Reggae Rovck Ballads Hip Hop or what ever.