Questions from a potential BB purchaser

Hi Forum:

I have not yet purchased a BB as I am seeking answers to questions I have not obtained from user reviews or videos, or possibly due to my ignorance in this realm.

My trio (bass - me, guitar, accordion, harmonica, vox) uses a drum beat for about 1/3 of our songs. We are using a BOSS looping pedal but there are problematic functionalities with this pedal. I don’t know if it is because it is an old pedal or the owner does not know how to use it in the capacity in which we want to use it BUT I say - let’s get a drum pedal, dedicated to providing a beat.

So I am looking at the BeatBuddy and its mini. We just want a beat. I want to choose a beat, choose its tempo, and go. Simple. I’ll need to easily get to a chosen beat and tempo in a setlist. It will be used at live gigs. We were initially using a phone, then the looper, plugged into its own speaker and both sounded great in a small venue, with and without a PA.

So Beatbuddy Mini? or the Beatbuddy? The BB mini seems to have the functionality I need; the BB has that and alot more that I don’t need. And I’ll probably never use the software.

So - which one, my friends???


If you want setlists then you’ll want the full (non-mini) BeatBuddy. It has support for setlists as well as Midi (and can be controlled by a midi controller or software like OnSong).

If you want to use it with a looper, you’ll want the full (non-mini) BeatBuddy that allows midi sync, stop/start/next part, etc

The BB Mini is not extendable (songs/beats, drum kits) and is 16 (not 24 bit) audio quality.


Subject to your budget - I’d say get the full BB. Might be more than you need right now but (as I did) once you start using it you’ll never look back and want to use it more and more.

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thank you!

thanks! gonna get the full BB!

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Good choice! Having the options that the full BB gives you is worth the extra money. This is a very supportive community so feel free to ask questions once it arrives.