Rock Drum Set with Percussion

Is there a drumset availble that combines the bass drum and snare from the Rock kit with the percussion elements from the Latin kit? Or even something similar to this?

I’d like to “standardize” my set list with a single bass drum and snare sound and I like the Rock drumset for these. However, quite a few of my songs require percussion and the Rock kit doesn’t have any.

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If no one has previously combined these kits, what would be the best / easiest way to insert all of the Latin instruments into the Rock drumset, preserving all of the Rock instruments unchanged?

The simple answer to your last question is that

  1. The drum sets are limited to 100Mb
  2. Each of the two drum sets is ~96MB
  3. Combining them would exceed the 100Mb limitation

Your first idea might work best (add Kick and Snare to Latin) but even then, you would have to either remove some of the instruments from the Latin set or reduce the number of samples for some of the instruments. You can do this using either the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or the BBMO.

Thanks for the reply. I’ll look into simply inserting the kick and snare from the rock set to see how it sounds.