Rockabilly song corrupt

I’ve been using the Rockabilly song on the BB until a couple months ago it has gone corrupt. It plays but is very broken up and it not usable like this. I’ve found an older file of the song and it works alright on an older project file.
I tried importing the song that played ok on the older project into my current project and it turns up corrupt and unusable.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks,

Did you delete the original first? Do that and Save the project. Then import the old one. See how that works.

I was able to use a complete backup from earlier to fix this problem.

Question? Is it normal to have 2 file folders of the same exact things on the BB SD card?

It’s normal, and changes in either should affect both.

If you look closely you notice that one of them is under PC and the other is not.

Under PC is basically everything physically connected to your PC, and outside of that are either cloud storages or shortcuts :thinking:

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