Rocky Top in G, jam version re-up - traditional bluegrass

This is the way I do it. It’s based on my recollection of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and the Bluegrass Cardinals versions. And, no, I am in no way affiliated with the University of Tennessee, but I have nothing against them.

Some version have a minor chord in the verses as well as in the chorus. I prefer sticking to the 1,4 and 5, and then using the chorus to add the different harmonies.

This includes the .sng, my midi parts of the intro, verse and chorus, and the outro; and lyrics and chords in pdf and plain text.

This uses the NP Folk Acoustic XRg kit.

The outro should be triggered after playing a full chorus for the last time. Its just one more “Rocky Top Tennessee,” but the “see” gets held for 2 full measures over a C and then a D chord, ending on G.

This was done from scratch in Logic Pro X, staring with a bass line I wrote, then adding the guitar part, which is supposed to simulate a finger picked banjo. The drum were produced using the Logic Drummer, “Mason,” using his Pendleton preset. It’s probably too busy for bluegrass purists, but it get the job done, and it’s for me to play with.

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