Setting a drumset using an OnSong metatag - possible?


I have success with using OnSong metatags for song selection and tempo setting.

Some past here mention CC116 to set a drumset in the metatags but no further details or syntax suggestions.

Is this possible? If so, what’s the correct metatag and midi syntax for this?

MIDI: CC116:1@0 - will load the first drumset on your list
<value> is the 1-based position of your drumset in the list on your pedal (not 0-based as when doing song changes)
<channel> is the channel your BeatBuddy is listening on (0 is probably fine)

You can chain commands:
MIDI: PC0.0:0@0, CC116:1@0 will load the first song in the first folder and then change the drumset to the first drumset on your pedal

For good measure:
MIDI: PC0.0:0@0, CC116:1@0, CC106:1@0, CC107:1@0
will change to the first song in the first folder, the first drumset, and set the tempo to 129bpm

CC106:0 means CC107 sets tempo from 40 to 127
CC106:1 means CC107 sets tempo from 128 to 255
CC106:2 means CC107 sets tempo from 256 to 300

Hope that helps

Excellent! That works.

Many thanks.

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