I understand that BB Manager must be used for everything except firmware update but I just want to transfer the default library 2. The tutorials all have the library files displayed in a workplace folder in the BB Manager, and all I want to do is copy it all onto SD card in the pedal (usb cable). Everything is backed up, so its good to go. How do I go from workplace(PC) project to overwriting whats on the pedal ? It just doesn’t make it clear on the tutorial, or am I missing something ?
If your computer has an SD slot reader, consider using it instead of the USB connection method. Some users have reported data transfer issues when connecting via the USB connection process.
Here’s a summary of the Singular Sound method
- check that your SD card is not locked
- use the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) - File - Open Project and navigate to your bbworkspace and open BeatBuddy Default Content 2.1 - Project
- use the BBM - File - Export - Project to SD card
- accept the prompts to overwrite as well as for future synchronization
- any changes that you make to your project either on the pedal or in the BBM can then be synchronized (assuming you are not using a Mac for which the BBM has a critical bug in that the Synchronize Project menu item in the BBM is grayed out)
Although it’s not the Singular Sound recommended method (that’s probably why it’s not covered in the tutorial, here’s how to do it using your computer operating system (and BBM)
- quit the BBM
- check that your SD card is not locked
- delete the folders and files from your SD card (DO NOT format or use ERASE the SD card)
- open the BeatBuddy Default Content 2.1 - Project folder (either the file that you downloaded and unzipped) or the folder that’s in your bbworkspace and copy (or drag) the files and folders in the highlighted screen shot to your SD card
- when the copy process is complete, use the BBM to open the project on your SD card and follow the prompts to save to your bbworkspace and for future synchronization
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Thank you
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