Sold Grundy county Auction

Anyone create a beat for this one Sold Grundy County Auction Incident

I’ll take care of this as a one-press (DOP and OPB) but here’s what requesters can do to better help the transcriber fulfill future requests:

  • Provide the name of the artist as part of the request;
  • Make sure that the song title is as accurate as possible;
  • Tell us what format i.e., as a beat (multi-part default) or as a one-press (and which one: drums only [DOP], drums and bass [OPB] or drums, bass and other instruments [OPBk]);
  • Optional but helpful: version such as live, studio or acoustic or in a key different than recorded;
  • Bonus point for providing a Youtube link.

For example, a request might look like this
Sold (The Grundy County Auction Incident) by John Michael Montgomery as an OPB

The more accurate and complete your request, the less work the provider has to spend trying to guess or find what you meant.


Thanks for the info and yes I should have done that but I know how good you are.