Someone or something is attacking the forum

You might have noticed the recent spam messages.

Us users can only flag them immediately when we see such message.

I managed to see the pattern used:

  1. A new user posts a message that you could see in a generic forum. Something an AI can generate.
  2. Then later that same user modifies the title and the message to be something completely different.

I don’t know what is the goal. I just hope the attack doesn’t overtake the forum.

Can @Communiteq, @BeatBuddy_Support or anyone other do something more? Perhaps temporarily freeze all new accounts? :thinking:

And now moment later it seems like there was never an attack at all :sweat_smile:

Did anyone witness the attack? Or am I becoming crazy :no_mouth:

Hey thanks for letting me know I informed @BeatBuddy_Support and they are on it! Maybe powers greater than us stepped in too

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Just to let you know the attack seems to continue again :thinking:

And I’m a bit confused as why this conversation was unlisted :sweat_smile: Is it to hide the attack from the majority? :thinking:

But at least now I know how the attack messages were removed :relieved: