Somewhere to put the "Recommended" or "initial working" drumset for each song?

Hello, I’ve been working through downloading some DOP type songs (Thank you EVERYONE for your contributions!!!) but it seems like not have a place (field) that displays the recommended drum set is a little bit of a short coming. If I download the song file, and immediately add it to a project and the needed drum set is not already in the project the new song defaults to the Standard drum set. Which is bad. Even if I don’t immediately add to a project, i have to revisit the forum to remember which drum set should be used, and check my downloads if I downloaded it.

Even if I’m experimenting with different drum sets i have to manually note (or remember) which drum set the sng file was created with (or “should” be used).

Seems to me that a “recommended drum” field (static, perhaps read only ??? after author fills it in)
could be useful.

If I download a song today, and wait to work with the song tomorrow, there’s no way to find the correct drum set unless you go to the internet or check your notes. The initial drum set should be an attribute that should stay with the song, IMO. Even if you change the drum set. I’m just putting it out there, I think the coupling should be tighter and the workflow could be easier.

Any thoughts?


I’m going to change this to a feature request.

It’s one of the differences I’ve noticed from the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) which displays the suggested drum set with an asterisk preceding the name of the recommended kit.

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Thank you. I actually tried to use a feature request tag but I didn’t see it.

It’s not very obvious.

An option to answer your question might be to import as many drum sets that you think you might expect to use. For example, I have more than 100 kits in my project and seldom run into the problem of not having the recommended kit available for the song. This would still take up less than half the space available on a 32Gb SD card.


Absolutely! And I believe that this is the best strategy as things stand right now. I just wanted to through the feature Idea out there for the future. Thanks for everything you do.

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Thank you for your feedback! I’ve reached out to the development team, and your suggestion is under consideration.

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The more I think about it, strategically each song should be (maybe) able to be reset back to “original”… Drum, and BPM…I realize that this lingers into a “version control” type strategy though, which is a larger rabbit hole. Perhaps another approach might be to make all “provided” and “created” (here) songs Read only and you ALWAYS have to clone or copy them to change anything at all. (sort of like some of the guitar multi effects boxes do). BBMO allows duplicating in a simple fashion. this might conflict with modifying on the actual BB itself and saving, but I’m just thinking out loud. Thanks again for your support.

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Several users have mentioned this but if a feature request was made on the forum, I must have missed it.

BBMO v14.2 presently does not display the name of the drum set for user-created content.

Fot example, when importing an OPB song with a user-created drum set, the BBMO displays the “Standard” drum set name. as a default

Recommend adding

  1. the capability to the BBMO that the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) has which is to display the name of the drum set the the user-created content was created with. NOTE: this should be possible as it displays the name of the drum set in Default Content 2.1 songs.
  2. If the drum set is not available within the BBMO, the name of the drum set was preceded with an asterisk.