Song Change/Beat Display

I want BB song change and beat display on my smart watch.

I’d love my BeatBuddy to send my wife signals to go make me something to eat when I am hungry.
Oh, and I also would love it to actually detect when I am about to get hungry to minimize the waiting time while I am actually hungry!

Jokes aside, I believe what is being requested is quite possible to have implemented in the future, but is of not top priority at the moment as it will require additional efforts.

And I don’t have the smart watch yet.

Yeah, they will probably be named WatchBuddy and come bundled with MasterSyncBuddy.

After you chain the sound from your PickupBuddy to BeatBuddy through LoopBuddy and ChorusReverbBuddy, your MasterSyncBuddy will display all the info you need to the WatchBuddy! :slight_smile:

Now I need to audition a BeatBuddy player for my band.

Oh yeah, a completely optional SingerBuddy will also be available for only $999.99 that will even sing for you.

One thing to think about though… If that is really the case, I have a strong feeling that some day it will be us who will be taking an audition to be accepted by EveryBuddies system :slight_smile:

I need BassBuddy 5 string with low B.

Go home, BeatBuddy, you’re drunk!!! :slight_smile: