Song parts using infinity looper with BeatBuddy

I just got a Pigtronix Infinity looper and am starting to set up some presets for songs.
Working on Kansas City (the Willie Nelson version). The song is a 12 bar quick change blues.
After the second verse the regular drum part stops and there is some syncopated stuff for the first 4 bars then it goes into the 5th bar with regular drums and rhythm.

Trying to figure a way to set up that part so I can use it live.

One thought is to make a drum part for it in BeatBuddy and do a second loop for that part on the looper and set that the looper to play the first loop automatically after the second loop plays once.

Is it possible to put midi commands into the beatbuddy song along to do that or do I need to use a separate midi controller for this?

Hope this makes sense.

Here is a link to the song if you want to see the part I am trying to create.

I think I figured something out that should work. I think I can just change the fill and use that a couple times.

“Is it possible to put midi commands into the beatbuddy song along to do that or do I need to use a separate midi controller for this?”

Although that would be very nice, it’s still not possible.

Let us know how the changed fills work out.

That worked. I used the Country 2 train song and removed the 3 fills on part one and created a 4 bar fill that did what I wanted. After the fill it picks up the beat on the 5th bar.

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