Split Aeros Audio Outputs?

I figure this is a long shot, but I’ll give it a go.

Wondering if there’s anyway to split the audio outputs of the two loops in 2 x 2 mode. I have a bass line looped in one of the loops, and I’d like to send it to a dedicated bass amp.

Also play keyboards, and would like to be able to send the keyboard output and loops through the other audio output to a different amp. Each would be in mono, of course, which is okay with me.


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Hey there, you cannot route a track to a specific output, but if you record and playback in stereo on the Aeros, the audio LR will be split, allowing you to send all input from the R only to the R and all L only to the L, this way you could split the instruments you are asking about but only in mono for each device.


Hello Brennann,
It would be awesome to be able to also have a third independant route for the looped Audio via the Aux output. Is this maybe on the table ?

I would love to pan the output to send one to my Bass cab and the other to my GTR cab…

Hey there,

This is probably not going to be available as a feature on the aeros, unfortunately, it was not built to handle this. Something to consider for the future, whatever that may bring.

Thanks for the request!

Are you sure you can’t use the Aeros in stereo to split the audio to both amps like I describe above?

If you only have two signals it is possible to use them independently by separating signals in L and R channels

Read this over again to be sure, let me know if you have questions:

Can you run aeros into dual mono instead of hard panned L&R? as long as I can run bass track loop out to bass amp and guitar rythem loop out to guitar amp everything else can run out to left right out to outboard mixer out to FOH.is my goal if possible sorry for jumping in didn’t want to post same topic.

Hi there,

what you’re requesting is not possible, the Aeros does not have the ability to set what loops go to what output, the loop is recorded as either a mono or stereo signal and that stereo signal can be routed to either output pair or to both output pairs.

The Aeros can split L and R signal if it is recorded that way, so you can send the guitar to an amp and the bass to another, record those signals into the Aeros in stereo, and the l/r signal will still be split in the loop playback, allowing you to only hear bass loops in the bass amp and guitar loops in the guitar amp. But this cannot be done in conjunction with sending the everything centered in stereo to a mixer, you could however send the bass and guitar to the mixer as individual signals one in the L the other in the R.

Thanks for the question

Here’s another idea for anybody who might find it useful.

You can use pre-recorded backing tracks (edited in some DAW), that are already hard panned left (thus mono) and plug your instrument in R. This way the instrument and everything you play live with it ends up on one channel and everything that’s pre-recorded ends up on the other. Mixing engineers love this trick :smiley: