Standard library v2 + version 2 update on library drum beats - BRILLIANT!

Just finished the v2 standard library update including the updated v2 library beats + drum kits and I have to say this is AMAZING!! Well done Goran + team - now I find loads of usable beats … especially the (previously) dreaded fills and endings now sounding more musical and “real” than ever - thanks so much!!


Yep. Tighter and to the point!

Hey TheWolf2103,
Love to see this. Can you be more specific as to what you updated? I’ve seen the links to this content before but for some reason I am having trouble finiding it again. I want to create a second SD card with the same updates but I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.


The file is Download Default BeatBuddy Content backup v2.0 from

Okay. Thanks @persist Persist. So I am just downloading the “Default BeatBuddy Content v2.0” then? He seems to mention 2 things in his post. Does this update contain the adjusted fills as well? The description on the page is not real clear on that.

From my informal and incomplete testing, it appears that Goran has updated all of the default as well as the premium content. If you bought any of the premium drum sets or beats, you can log in to your account and download them as well.

AFAICT, all of the drum sets and beats (consisting of intros, main drum loops, fills, transitions, accents and outros) have been updated.

I am using OnSong with my beatbuddy and wonder how I can use the new beats and especially the new fills , presently I bring up Boots scooting boogie and up comes a shuffle beat with old fills which I dislike , how do I replace this beat with the new ones etc? Dino5025

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: How to download v2 drums to BB