With the latest update the Aeros is really showing its potential – thank you for your work!

A couple of suggestions to further updates that would make it even better:

  • it’s a bit annoying that it wants to save everything all the time. When you used a lot of time to set up a great song with backing tracks – different parts and so on – it only takes one wrong click to mess it all up – especially when playing live it would be nice if it didn’t keep asking to save every new recording. Would be wonderful with an option to “lock” an entire song, so it only would be possible to loop on top of the basic tracks but NOT record on top of them. Would be so valuable live and then I wouldn’t have to keep backups pf everything in case I accidently pushes the wrong button in the middle of a song.

  • when looping on top of a backing track the volume of the loops follows the volume of the backing track which is annoying. Sometimes you have to lower the volume of a very loud backing track, but then the loops gets lowered too. So, if the backing track is at 60% volume, the loop you record afterwards is automatically also at 60% volume. It would make much more sense if the loop was at 100% from the start (yes I know you can just make the loop on another tracks, but for some songs it makes sense to loop on top of the backing track so that the loop follows into the next part of the song).

  • it don’t know if its possible to make the display work better in sunlight. Very difficult to read as it is now – and a problem when you have gigs outside in the summer.

  • maybe you could make a Song Dashboard “light” – I really don’t use any of the many things listed on the dashboard as it is now, but it would be so nice if it could just display the title of the song loaded in big letters before you start the song. And please allow capitol letters and make it possible to use Scandinavian special letters like Æ Ø Å

  • I keep mesing up with the “Song Template” – the idea is really good but maybe its just not described well enough in the manual or not working properly – it keeps changing my settings even after I saved them.

Thanks - hope this makes sense


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Hi Marcus,

Thank you for your suggestions. I have forwarded them to the development team for consideration.

Regarding your suggestions:

  1. You can undo a recording using the Aeros Loop Studio or the MIDI Maestro.

  2. Noted. You can use the mixer to change the volume of the tracks.

      • Issues 3 and 4 have been addressed in the latest firmware update, available in beta. You can find more information at this link.

If you need help with any of the suggestions (song template for example), please send us an email at, and we will assist you in setting them up.

Thank you for your input, and we will be working on improvements to enhance your experience with the Aeros Loop Studio.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Aeros-Requests