Can’t seem to find this kit on here anyone can help ???
under search forums type superbassg it is in first post.
here’s the official link:
don’t click on the Download Now button, but the link near the top of the Description
I’ve been using the SuperBassG kit for a few months now and really like the sound. Thanks! I only recently started working with the Guitar option. In working on the Yardbirds’ For your love, I’ve found that the A strum is simply does not work in the intro progression (Em, G, A, Am) as it should. I think the wave file is off, but am unsure. Any thoughts? Suggestions?
Thanks, Steve
sometimes the timing of the samples seem off. usually you have to push it “backward” in time, since the very beginning of the sample doesn’t really align with the count of “one”.
I got those samples off a website, and I don’t really like them all. I’m going to spend a day and do the samples myself, that way I can make them all more consistent. They need to be faster and clearer and more consistent.
Thanks for the response. I’m fine with the samples, but I think the A (93) is some variation of an F chord rather than an A. I’ve been looking for .wav samples on line, to replace that one, but haven’t found any.
I appreciate all your posts and the help you give us newbies, thank you! I would love to check this out, but for whatever reason, the window comes up blank. Did the dropbox link time out? -tom
When you play the Am play the C note (3rd fret on the A string) at the same time.
i created a new share link to dropbox just in case it expired, or whatever:
Thank you!