You can’t see BB but you can see I was pretty busy with my foot while playing with my guitar. It’s good exercise (LOL) and it took me like 2 days to get used to using BB. And after that, It’s always like bringing a drummer on stage with us. Cheers!
Well done. I really enjoy your playing and your videos.
Just wanted to share with everyone here how “convenient” BB is cos there are gigs we go to and I just can’t be hauling drums with us for 3 songs!
Very talented young lady! Glad to see the BeatBuddy is serving you well!
Keep Rockin’
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Thank you! It’s a lot of fun and I hope it doesn’t sound like a cliche. I feel lucky I could gig with my daughter.
That was fun. That was some fancy footwork. I play it safe by using the MIDI breakout cable and recording the sequences into my keyboard.
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I’d like to learn that one day. I had the urge and wished I knew how to record the sequences at the very beginning but didn’t know how nor knew what equipment I needed. But later on, i realized BB was designed to do live gigs and i started to enjoy doing some footwork when playing. i really think that’s why there is no “one click and play” and recording function that comes with the machine. I don’t know about others feel but for us, we can only use BB during if we are doing rhythm guitar or very simple bass guitar playing, but can’t use it we while we do solo or bass solo…so my daughter and I take turn and “co-operate” BB when gigging.
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