has anyone got a specific tamborine kit, for a bass drum with tambourine sound or clapping?
Please search for this in the forum.
Nearly every kit I’ve built has a bass drum kit tambourine and claps. All of GarryA’s kits have bass drum tambourine and claps. Search in Resources for drum kits.
All of the updated built-in kits and nearly all of the premium kits have tambourine and claps right where you would expect them according to the General MIDI (GM) mapping. I posted a details post about this in another thread. There are some minor variations, for instance the claps are “special” in the flamenco kit.
So there is an updated Standard kit with tambourine? What else has changed?
The default drum sets were updated to 1.1 versions and included tambourine: https://library.mybeatbuddy.com/software-download/
http://forum.mybeatbuddy.com/index.php?threads/ludwig-update-1-1.6453/#post-26815 post #10 to see what’s new
Thank you, sir!